Crop Insurance

Providing crop insurance solutions to residents in North Carolina and beyond.

Licensed States Jun 24

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Crop Insurance Charlotte NC

Mpci and crop-hail insurance

Crop insurance is broken down into two categories: multi-peril crop insurance and crop-hail insurance. Multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI) covers losses caused by natural disasters and is backed up by the Federal Crop Insurance Program, whereas crop-hail insurance is not. Instead, this policy is typically purchased as a supplement to MPCI by farmers who are in an area where hail is a frequent event.

Mpci covers crop losses from:

  • Disease
  • Drought
  • Fire
  • Flooding
  • Insect damage
  • Ice/Freeze


Trust us to insure your valuable crops

Farmers are an important part of the nation’s backbone! We understand the risks facing your investments and way of life, and we know how to combat them. Trust our experienced agents to find insurance products that protect your crops efficiently and affordably.

Laurie Insurance Group
Working hours

Open  |  Mon-Fri  8:30am – 5pm

Closed  |  Sat-Sun & Holidays

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